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AXA AFFIN “Smash the Curve” COVID-19 Fund Raising Campaign

Contact: Michelle Boey

Fight against COVID-19 and join us in raising fund to purchase Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for our courageous frontliners.

RM 17,186

pledge of RM 100,000 goal

13 April 2020 15 May 2020


Project Summary


The evolving COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world on a major scale and Malaysians one way or another, particularly our courageous frontliners (i.e.: Healthcare Workers, Police Officers, Soldiers, Volunteers, etc.). As they work relentlessly around the clock, their high exposure and close contact with COVID patients or carrier puts them at a high risk. Battling with the deadly virus and keeping us safe at the same time, it is now our time to act upon and protect them with sufficient Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). In these trying times, superheroes wear mask not capes!

 Image Credit: The Rakyat Post



As the number of COVID-19 cases in Malaysia has been growing by thousands each week, the battle within intensifies. Frontliners in Malaysia, similarly with other countries, are facing a major shortage of PPE.

Image Credit: The True Net

As shared by Dr Peter Slavin, president of the Massachusetts General Hospital, having our frontliners to fight against COVID-19 without proper PPE is like sending soldiers into war without helmets and amour.

PPE is what keeping them safe from the deadly virus.



AXA AFFIN Life Insurance would like to play an active role as a responsible corporate citizen by introducing AXA AFFIN “Smash the Curve” COVID-19 Fund Raising Campaign. The objective is to raise RM100,000 fund to purchase PPE for our frontliners as well as raising awareness among the public to flatten the curve and eventually smash it!

Your contribution will help in providing the following items to our frontliners:

  • Overall suit
  • Surgical face mask
  • Disposable face shield
  • Examination gloves
  • Other required medical equipment/support


Be a part of this fight against COVID-19 by donating today. Give us a shout out on this campaign via your social media by sharing this link. Every effort counts!

On top of this, remember to be a responsible citizen by staying at home and be transparent about your health condition, travel history and involvement in any gathering or close contact with COVID-19 patients. Remember, our frontliners are at risk if patients with COVID-19 are not identified and isolated quickly. Do your part by not putting stress to our entire healthcare system.

Let’s stand & fight this together as a nation with our superheroes. Together, we care! #axasmashthecurve 

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