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Monthly Grocery Aid for Lotus Charity Care Centre

Contact: Kamraj Shanmuganathan

Located in Semenyih, the care centre is home to 26 kids and 25 old folks. This aid will be directed for monthly grocery needs of the home.

RM 5,710

pledge of RM 8,000 goal

21 July 2021 19 September 2021


Project Summary

Monthly Grocery Aid for Lotus Charity Care Centre

My first visit to the home back in 2019 was a unique one. The home's caretaker, Ms Sarah Thomas arrived in taxi with a newborn baby in her hand, all the way from Kedah, a northern state in Malaysia.

This home will always be in my mind as it is one of a few homes that I have visited with its kids and old folks all taken care of very well. The kids are not entirely orphans, but are also from abusive family or abandoned by their parents since they were born. Upon visiting the home regularly, I am convinced that Ms Sarah Thomas is easily a caretaker that knows the need of each of her home resident with their living condition taken care of very well.

Currently, the home is struggling with funding as regular donors (both individuals and corporates) have not been able to channel donations amid pandemic period. Consequently, the home is short of basic needs, inclusive of grocery items, hygiene kits as well as funding for home rental/ workers' salary. Currently, the home is taking care of 26 kids and 25 old folks (15 gents and 10 ladies).

Here is how your contribution will be used:

Since May 2021, an effort is made to purchase and send grocery items as well as other needs as per the caretaker's request to the home directly on a monthly basis. This is done by purchasing them in a hypermarket and sending the items via a delivery platform. 

Monthly budget for this project is RM2,000 with an aim for the project to continue until end of this year. The fund raised from this project will be used for monthly delivery for the period of September to December 2021.

This campaign will help to strengthen the funding for this effort, in addition to the base funding of RM1,000/ month that I already have in place currently from personal budget.

In short, items worth RM3,000 will be sent every month with RM1,000 from personal saving and RM2,000 from fund raised via this campaign (RM3,000 in total per month).


The kids and old folks will be able to get by another day with basic needs in place, amid this challenging period.

Other Ways You Can Help

Feel free to share this campaign! The ripple effect is more significant than we could think of.


Hi all! Another round of monthly grocery purchase has just been made. Breakdown of the purchases can be found at the following link as usual:


We sincerely thank each and everyone of you to make this campaign possible. We received some direct donations as well, and all records are up on the google sheet link above for your reference.

Do look out for our new fundraising campaing page, which will be up soon! This is to continue our monthly grocery purchases for this year as well. Meanwhile, if you would like to contribute directly, we still accept additional fund. Do reach out to me via [email protected] or at 011- 3905 5971 should you have any query related to this project :) 

Sincerely, thank you again for making this campaign a success!

Hi again! We have just completed delivery for December. Lotus Charity Care Centre expressed their upmost gratitude for making this monthly grocery purchase possible. We received extra donation from this fundraising project (inclusive of some direct donation) and we will use this for purchases of baby items, and some groceries for January as well. Again, thank you from deep of our heart.


As usual, you may find the breakdown of the grocery purchases in the google sheet link below:


P/s: Donations to the home are being cutoff again as most donors are redirecting resources to the recent flood incident. If you would like to contribute, we still accept additional fund, which will be used for 2022 monthly grocery purchases. We are also in the midst of setting up another fundraising page and will be up soon! Do reach out to me via [email protected] or at 011- 3905 5971 should you have any query related to this project :) 

Hi all! We have just completed grocery purchases for the month of November. As usual, we have detailed the purchases breakdown in the google sheet below:


Feel free to reach out to me via email at [email protected] should you have any feedback or query on this campaign.

Sincerely, thank you for making this fundraising project a success!


Hi all! We have just completed grocery purchases for the month of October. As usual, we have detailed the purchases breakdown in the google sheet below:


Feel free to reach out to me via email at [email protected] should you have any feedback or query on this campaign.



Hi everyone! We have to come to an end of the fundraising project. We sincerely thank each and everyone of you for making this fundraising project a success. Each dollar and sen matters, we will continue to strive transparency and keep this page updated with our monthly grocery purchases. Feel free to check out our google sheet at any point in time!


You may also reach out to me via email at [email protected] should you have any feedback or query on this campaign.

Hi all!

We have just completed purchases for the month of September! The purchase for this round was funded by personal donors.

The caretaker expressed her heartfelt gratitude and thanked each and everyone of you for enabling this campaign to happen! We are exactly 1 week away from our final day of this fundraising campaing and we hope to achieve our goal by then.

Full list of the purchases can be found via the following link:


As promised earlier, we strive for transparency and we have updated the google sheet with details of the purchases done in September.

Happy to be in touch via [email protected] should you have any feedback or query about this campaign.

Hi all!

We have just completed purchases for the month of August! A generous donor was willing to cover half the purchases of this round. Thank you so much!

Full list of purchases can be found via the following link:


We will maintain this google sheet with purchases using proceeds from this campaign for the month of September 2021 to December 2021.

Note that this purchases was not done via proceeds from this fundraising campaign.

You may also email me at [email protected] should you have any feedback or query about this campaign.

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