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Rumah to Restoran - the Dapur Asli Journey

Contact: Dennis McMahon

We are creating a new Restoran with the Orang Asli of Kampung Kachau Luar near Semenyih to give the Asli jobs, money and security.

RM 0

pledge of RM 50,000 goal

27 March 2019 26 May 2019


Project Summary

Projek "Rumah to Restoran"

The Dapur Asli Journey to Orang Asli Independence

Younger members of the Orang Asli communities of Kampung Kachau Luar and Dalam - the Dapur Asli Restoran is a part of their future


Pak Din (Kamaruddin), senior member of the Kampung Kachau Luar community said

"We are very happy to be partnering with MCM GreenMan Group to create the new Dapur Asli restoran from my own families old home. The rumah we will be converting is where me and my brothers were born! So we are proud to give the home a new lease of life with the new restoran"

PK Din harvesting longans in                             The before shots and the after planning 
front of old rumah                                                 (indicative only, design still being finalised)

Why this Project?

The Orang Asli of Kampung Kachau Luar near Semenyih have had it hard the last few decades.

From being moved on from original homes into government built uncomfortable and primitive "hot boxes", to having forced integration with other communities, to having their requests for native title gazettement rejected - well, it's been tough.

But the community leaders (PK Din, Serma, the Tok Batin (headman) and others) have said "enough is enough - it's now time to create something new for the community".

MCM GreenMan Group Sdn Bhd (www.mcmgreenmangroup.com) has been working with the Orang Asli of KKL for some time on community works, so we stepped up to help.

Location of Kampung

Location of Dapur Asli Restoran at Kampung

Back to the Story!

But we didn't want to just give charity - that never works! (although we have - and are - contributing RM120K+ in materials, time and labour for project-related works like a public bathroom, cold room, other building modules and all of the logistics and labour costs associate with those)

So the 2 parties - the Asli KKL Community and landowners and MCM GreenMan Group agreed to partner on the restoran project.

How the Partnership will work

  • We bring the business knowledge, the building capability and the funding (through channels like this and with your support) so we will build with Asli workforce and then set up for operations (training Asli staff, etc) - we have run the numbers and the business is sound, the market is available and we can make this work
  • The Asli will run the restoran on a day to day basis.
  • It's an equal partnership between us.

Funding and Support

So why are we requesting funding and support from you?

Quite simply, MCM GreenMan Group's resources are limited, and we cannot contribute more than the current contributions of RM120K. Even that is a stretch:)

To complete the project successfully will take an additional RM200,000 for:

  1. Rumah to Restoran Conversion - RM100,000
  2. Professional Services (architect / engineer) - RM20,000
  3. Landscaping and surrounds - RM30,000
  4. Restoran Equipment & Staff Training - RM50,000
  5. Total - RM200,000


We are already preparing to build the public bathroom, a bridge over the small river and providing cold room and other materials from our own resources

See updates at www.facebook.com/Rumah-to-Restoran-the-Dapur-Asli-Journey-1005266246331048

Once funding is coming in, we plan on the full renovation/ restoration being complete within 6 months. 

However, we will open the Dapur Asli (Asli Kitchen) restaurant with what we have as soon as possible,  so the Asli can be earning and learning quickly.

How can you help?

  • For building materials or restoran equipment, cash and in-kind support is great - the less we have to buy, the better!

    Talk to Dennis on 0169839715 about what you can contribute in-kind
  • For professional services (architect, engineer, landscaping, etc) cash is best rather than your time or services.

    From long experience, we know that even with your absolute best of intentions, just when we need you for critical works, you will have clients chasing you or other revenue generating activities to do - and as you are doing our work pro bono, we drop in your priorities.

We understand that and we get why that happens - but we simply cannot afford for that to happen with this Project, so sometimes, it's just best if you give cash and we keep a good relationship:)

Then we can engage the professionals commercially - and hold their toes to the fire to get our stuff done on time!

So please contribute cash for these services - check out the Rewards above for what we offer you for your support.

You can also support directly by buying tickets for the Battle of the Asli Bands Fundraiser on Saturday June 22nd 2019 here: https://tinyurl.com/kkl-concert

Dennis and Asli anak-anak (very cheeky!)

Reminder about what the Project is for!






Loaded the Lorry with materials and equipment in Ipoh on Tuesday. 

Lorry arrived at Kampung Kachau Luar Wednesday morning.

KKL Asli boys off loaded and we got everything ready 


Pics coming!!

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    No rewards. I just want to contribute.

  • RM 10,000

    0 backers

    Co-naming Rights for Restoran for 1 year

    Dapur Asli [YOURCOMPANY] Restoran

    1 slot(s) remaining!

  • RM 5,000

    0 backers

    Special Meal for 10 at Dapur Asli Restoran plus days trekking and accommodation on site

    10 slot(s) remaining!

  • RM 500

    0 backers

    Honeymoon or Anniversary Gift - Meal for 2 at Dapur Asli Restoran plus days trekking and accommodation on site

    50 slot(s) remaining!

  • RM 200

    0 backers

    "Project Rumah to Restoran" Organic Cotton T-Shirts + 1 days trekking

    50 slot(s) remaining!

  • RM 7,500

    0 backers

    Tables of 10 for the Dapur Asli Project Fundraising Day on Saturday Saturday June 22nd - also see here: https://tinyurl.com/kkl-concert


    > Asli cooked lunch
    > Trekking or fishing during afternoon
    >Asli cooked dinner in the evening
    > Asli Battle of the bands at the Old Rumah from 6pm until late
    > Accommodation at Asli Farm Resort

    10 slot(s) remaining!

  • RM 75

    0 backers

    Special Project Rumah to Restoran T-Shirts

    500 slot(s) remaining!

  • RM 50

    0 backers

    Special Orang Asli Souvenir Handmade Kraft Pack (headband, keychain, bookmark)

    150 slot(s) remaining!

  • RM 2,000

    0 backers

    Receive 2 fabulous Silkcoat textured paint feature walls in your home (up to 200 sq ft each) See www.rjworks.com.my and www.silkcoat.com

    10 slot(s) remaining!